The EMI Receiver of the TDEMI eXtreme series (TDEMI X) of Gauss instruments, covering the frequency range from DC – 40 GHz, presents an improvement in their noise level. With the new option ULNA-UG1G, the TDEMI X provides a DANL of -171 dBm/Hz in the frequency range from 30 MHz – 1 GHz for testing according to FCC and CISPR standards.
Gauss instruments’s TDEMI X receivers providing features as 645 MHz CISPR compliant realtime bandwidth, Multi-GHz Real-time Scanning and a ultra-low displayed average noise level at 40 GHz can now be equipped with an additional ultra-low noise pre-amplifier for the frequency range 30 MHz – 1 GHz.
This novel pre-amp provides low noise figure and high dynamic range. High linearity and lowest displayed inherent noise is achieved by a patented technology using pre-amps with low noise figure, pre-selectors and a special circuit monitoring the linearity reserve of the pre-amp.
Fig. 1 shows the noisefloor up to 1 GHz of the TDEMI X equipped with option ULNA-UG1G.
The achieved displayed average noise level with an IF bandwidth of 120 kHz is about -15 dBµV over the entire frequency range up to 1 GHz, as Fig. 1 shows. According to Gauss instruments, in comparison to all other solutions available on the market an improvement of the noisefloor of 5 to 10 dB has been achieved.
A further advantage is the possibility to scan within about 3-4 seconds with Quasi-Peak, CISPR-Average simultaneously over the complete frequency range.
Thoses performances are available, according to Gauss, in all operation modes : the ultra-fast receiver mode which measures segments of 325 MHz at the same time as well as in the real-time Spectrogram Mode with a 645 MHz real-time bandwidth as well as in the traditional mode performing a stepped scan.
Using a TDEMI X receiver equipped with the option ULNA-UG1G also avoids the need of an
additional external pre-amp, reducing the measurement uncertainty and thus improving the accuracy of the results.
Also the current costs as well as calibration costs can be further decreased and the throughput
of your anechoic chamber can be further improved and optimized.
In order to improve the reliability and to optimize the overall testing times the measurements can be carried out at all frequencies with the CISPR Quasi-Peak detector over all positions to get a full characterization in quasipeak of your equipment under test for the very first time.
Since the noisefloor does not contain any inherent spurs, as shown in Fig. 1, the TDEMI X equipped with the option ULNA-UG1G is the appropriate tool for measurements according CISPR 25 as well as all OEM standards.
The TDEMI X is, according to Gauss, the first CISPR compliant receiver showing a DANL of -171 dBm/Hz for the frequency range from 30 MHz – 1 GHz.
The TDEMI X is applied for EMC testing according to FCC, CISPR, MIL 461, automotive as well as avionic standards. The measurement of spurious emissions according to ETSI Standards, e.g. of Wifi equipment,can be performed without any additional preamplifier or external pre-selector.
An example of the emission measurements of the spurious emissions of a microwave oven for the frequency range from 6 GHz to 17 GHz is shown in Fig. 2.