Rohde & Schwarz Automotive test solutions.

Rohde & Schwarz and Vector win 2020 AVT ACES Award

  • Every year, the magazine “Autonomous Vehicle Technology” awards a prize to companies that have distinguished themselves by their solutions in the fields of vehicle autonomy, connectivity, electrification and mobility services.
  • Rohde & Schwarz and Vector are among the 2020 winners in the connectivity category for their C-V2X test solution.

The AVT ACES award recognizes the development by the two German companies of a solution for implementing and testing cellular communication scenarios between a vehicle and any other equipment (C-V2X) to reduce the time required to deploy Cellular Vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) technology.

The C-V2X test solution proposed by Rohde & Schwarz and Vector is a further step towards the realization of fully connected vehicles to improve road safety.

The solution combines the R&S CMW500 Network Simulator, the R&S SMBV100B GNSS Satellite Positioning Signal Simulator and Vector’s CANoe .Car2x software, which provides functions for configuring and running traffic scenarios.

It allows real-life scenarios to be emulated reproducibly in a laboratory environment. This makes it possible to validate safety-critical V2X scenarios in a laboratory environment. A variety of tests can be performed from the physical layer to the application layer.