Teledyne Lecroy WavePro HD oscilloscopes with 12 bits resolution and up to 8 GHz bandwidth.

Teledyne Lecroy focuses its strategy on high-resolution oscilloscopes

  • Teledyne Lecroy is one of three oscilloscope manufacturers, with Keysight and Tektronix, offering a very complete range of bandwidths ranging from a few tens of megahertz to a few tens of gigahertz.
  • The American manufacturer has long distinguished itself on the market by embedding important memory depths on its oscilloscopes.
  • In recent years, he has started designing oscilloscopes with vertical resolutions of more than 8 bits.

Latest announcement, the WavePro HD series oscilloscopes equipped with 4 channels, capable of digitizing signals up to 8 GHz frequencies with a resolution of 12 bits, and carrying up to 5 Gpts of memory.

Mobile and portable devices that are becoming increasingly compact, faster and more energy-efficient, as well as computer systems operating high-speed digital buses and other technologies for data centers, are integrating electronic devices whose debugging requires oscilloscopes with higher vertical resolution, high bandwidth, and signal capture capabilities over a very long period of time at very high sampling speeds. This is Teledyne Lecroy’s credo.

Since 2011, the American manufacturer has therefore focused its strategy on the development of high-resolution oscilloscopes, i.e. capable of digitizing signals with a vertical resolution greater than 8 bits, the most commonly offered resolution on the market. Some oscilloscopes, however, with built-in 8-bit analog-to-digital converters, manage to display higher resolutions using digital processing algorithms.

  • 2011: Launch of the WaveRunner HRO series
    The WaveRunner HRO 6 Zi oscilloscopes, offering a bandwidth of 400 or 600 MHz and 4 inputs, are equipped with a 12-bit resolution analog-to-digital conversion stage, and have an acquisition memory of 256 Mpts/channel. This allows the capture of 30 seconds of events sampled at 10 MS/s.
  • 2012: Launch of HDO4000 and HDO6000 series
    These oscilloscopes make it possible to digitize 12-bit signals over 4 channels up to frequencies of up to 1 GHz. Their maximum sampling rates were boosted in 2017 to 10 Gech./s. The memory depth of HDO6000 models climbs to 250 Mpts.
  • 2014: Launch of the HDO8000 series
    Teledyne Lecroy equips HDO8000 series oscilloscopes with 8 acquisition channels capable of digitizing signals on 12 bits. Depending on the model, this range has a bandwidth ranging from 350 MHz to 1 GHz and a memory depth of 250 Mpts. Their sampling frequency increased tenfold in 2017 to reach 10 Gech./s.
  • 2016 : Launch of the HDO9000 series
    With the HDO9000 series, Teledyne LeCroy exceeds the threshold of one Gigahertz for vertical resolutions higher than 8 bits. These oscilloscopes, which digitize signals over 10 bits, display a bandwidth of 1 to 4 GHz and sampling rates of up to 40 Gech/s. Equipped with 4 inputs and a 15.4-inch capacitive touch screen, they offer a maximum memory depth of 128 Mpts.
  • 2018 : Launch of the WavePro HD series
    On 8 May 2018, Teledyne Lecroy passed the 10-bit threshold at frequencies above Gigahertz. Its WavePro HD oscilloscopes digitize signals on 12 bits up to 8 GHz “without any artifice or other digital processing” insists the American manufacturer. This range of instruments, equipped with four channels, is available in 4 models distinguished by their bandwidth ranging from 2.5 GHz to 8 GHz. These oscilloscopes display sampling rates up to 10 Gech/s per channel (20 Gech/s on 2 channels), combined with a standard memory depth of 50 Mpts (on 4 channels) optionally up to 5 Gpts on 2 channels (2.5 Gpts on 4 channels). They can thus acquire signals with a resolution of 12 bits for 250 ms at a rate of 20 Gech./s.