- Singapore-based Accuron Technologies has acquired Recif Technologies, a French company specializing in the design, manufacture and installation of robotized handling equipment for semiconductor wafers.
The acquisition of Recif is designed to strengthen Accuron’s position in the semiconductor manufacturing industry and its presence in Europe. Recif will complement the technological capabilities of companies already owned by the Singapore group, such as esmo, mechatronic systemtechnik and NexGen Wafer Systems, which operate in niche semiconductor applications.
Headquartered in Blagnac (31), Recif has offices in Taiwan and the United States, as well as sales representatives covering Asia and Europe.
Accuron Technologies is a Singapore-based holding company for precision engineering and technology companies. Founded in 1981, this Temasek-owned international group has expertise in precision manufacturing, materials processing, systems design and systems integration. The group owns the companies Sam, esmo group, mechatronic systemtechnik, Zasche handling, flextos, NexGen Wafer Systems, Waam3d and Addept3D.