FlyPod option from Seica.

Seica offers onboard programming interface to mobile probes

  • Mobile probe tester manufacturer Seica offers the FlyPOD option, which allows multiple hardware resources to be connected via a module installed directly on one of the mobile probes of the electronic board tester.
  • The FlyPOD module is a mini-interface primarily designed for embedded programming of electronic components or to serve as a boundary scan test interface or communication with buses such as CAN, I2C…

# FlyPOD  Main features :
– The FlyPOD module integrates 4 or 8 mobile probes
– Integration of up to 2 FlyPODs on different heads of a moving probe tester
– Fixture with a minimum pitch of 1.27 mm (5×5 grid)
– Maximum number of contacts: 14
– The unit under test must provide a termination of test points connected to the device to be programmed.
– FlyPOD mini-interfaces are plug & play, and will be manufactured according to the configuration used.

Seica FlyPOD module for programming with mobile probes

# FlyPOD Advantages:
– The solution guarantees a minimum distance (~30 cm) between the target and the programmer, which is directly installed on an interface board attached to the FlyPOD.
– Optimization of the programming speed compared to a centralized programmer
– Possibility of doubling the FlyPOD heads and programming in parallel.
– Programming verification and report.
– Possibility to add functional tests related to programming.