1820B Series Frequency Counters from B&K Precision.

B&K Precision offers 1820B Series frequency counters

  • B&K Precision offers the 1820B Series frequency counters designed to measure frequencies from 0.001 Hz to 3GHz for the 1823B model and 6 GHz for the 1826B model.

Featuring a 0.5” LCD display, these frequency meters support measurements of frequency, period, duty cycle, pulse width and event count.

Equipped with a temperature-compensated internal frequency reference, these counters boast stability and accuracy characterized by an aging rate of ±1 ppm over the entire temperature range.

These frequency counters feature two inputs (1823B) or three inputs (1826B). Input A offers flexible signal conditioning, with configurable coupling (AC or DC), input impedance (1 MΩ or 50 Ω), attenuation (1:1 or 5:1), threshold (fully variable) and active edge.

The model 1826B has an additional input with an N-type connector with 50 Ω input impedance, covering a frequency range from 2 GHz to 6 GHz.

To measure frequency, period and duty cycle, the instrument uses a reciprocal counting technique to provide high-resolution measurements at all frequencies. Measurements are delivered with 8 significant digits in 1 second of measurement, 9 significant digits in 10 seconds and 10 digits in 100 seconds.

These frequency counters incorporate a USB interface, enabling remote control and power supply via a PC. They can be AC powered with the supplied AC/DC charger, or run for 24 hours on battery power.