- According to Viavi Solutions’ estimates, the Internet is now accessible via Gigabit Ethernet networks for approximately 354 million people in 51 countries, representing 5% of the world’s population.
In the United States, 68.5 million people have access to the Internet via Gigabit Ethernet technology, an increase of 4 million since August 2018.
China, which is ahead of South Korea, is the second country with the highest availability of the Internet over Gigabit Ethernet. 61.5 million Chinese, or just 4.5% of the country’s population, have access to the Internet via Gigabit Ethernet. However, they are 41 million more than the previous year.
After the United States and China, South Korea offers Internet access to 46.9 million people via Gigabit Ethernet networks, followed by Spain with 30.1 million and Canada with 15.9 million.
In terms of percentage of population coverage, Internet via Gigabit Ethernet is accessible to 95% of Singapore’s population, which is the highest coverage rate in the world.
However, while 5% of the world’s population has access to the Internet via Gigabit Ethernet, it appears that 50% of the world’s population does not yet have access to the Internet at all.