- Rigol Technologies announces the DS70000 series of digital oscilloscopes with four analog inputs that digitize signals at rates up to 20 GS/s and have a bandwidth of 3 GHz (DS70300) and 5 GHz (DS70500).
These oscilloscopes, which occupy a 7U rack, are equipped with two touch interfaces. The 15.6-inch capacitive color touch screen is angle-adjustable. It can be divided into multiple windows so that the user can view information as desired. Next to this display screen is a 3.5-inch interface with touch buttons for controlling the instrument and setting measurement parameters.
These oscilloscopes offer a memory depth of up to 2 Gpts on all channels. The signal acquisition speed of up to 1 million waveforms per second allows continuous real-time recording and playback of signals with up to 2 million frames.
These oscilloscopes provide spectrum analysis by FFT processing of one million points. An enhanced FFT analysis function can calculate 10,000 FFTs/sec to provide real-time spectrum analysis.
These instruments offer real-time eye diagram, jitter analysis software and display of the jitter trend, and Pass/Fail boundary testing tools via a user-defined mask.
Various triggering functions such as zone triggering and serial bus protocol analysis are available.
These oscilloscopes include a voltmeter, frequency counter and totalizer as well as several communication interfaces: USB3.0 Host, USB Device, HDMI, LAN, 10 G SFP+ and TRIG OUT, 10 MHz IN/OUT, AUX OUT and USB-GPIB (optional).
These instruments can use the new PVA8000 series of active differential probes covering frequency bands of 3.5 GHz, 5 GHz or 7 GHz.