- While fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication networks are being deployed, researchers at the University of Wüppertal are already exploring the potential of technologies that will be used for 6G networks. To do so, the German university has chosen a range of instruments from Tektronix.
The project involves developing components that enable higher data rates for 6G, while reducing latency in the network. This makes many applications possible, such as autonomous driving or remote surgery with haptic feedback.
Led by Professor Dr. Ullrich Pfeiffer, the project team was looking for instruments that met their requirements in terms of vertical resolution, residual error vector magnitude (EVM) measurement, memory capacity and instrument synchronization.
After reviewing vendor offerings, Dr. Pfeiffer and his team selected several solutions from Tektronix: six DPO77001SX oscilloscopes with 70 GHz bandwidth, six AWG70001B series arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) with 50 GS/s sampling rates, three AWG synchronization hubs, three SignalVuPC software packages for vector signal analysis, and three SourceXpress software packages for waveform generation. Two hydraulically cooled 19-inch racks were provided by system integrator ATV (Automatisierungstechnik Voigt) to reduce acoustic noise and improve thermal stability.
“We are delighted to have selected Tektronix. Having access to their technical experts made our team feel supported and secure. The ability to expand the system by synchronizing multiple instruments is especially critical for MIMO Terahertz communication research,” said Dr. Pfeiffer.