RIGOL S1220 ASK and FSK Demodulation Analysis Software

Rigol announces ASK/FSK Demodulation & Analysis Software

Rigol Technologies announces an expansion of its Internet of Things test portfolio. The S1220 Test Software, along with the DSA800 spectrum analyzer allows engineers to integrate ASK/FSK modulated signals into their designs.

Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) and Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) are popular standards for integrating wireless technologies into IoT designs.

When combined with the Rigol DSA832E spectrum analyzer, the SA1220 Demodulation Analysis Software provides engineers with a tool set for investigating, visualizing, and analyzing ASK and FSK signals.


S1220 Demodulation Analysis Software enables to:

  • Display the waveform, eye diagram, symbol, and demodulation results in one interface
  • Decode real time ASK and FSK RF signals
  • Identify timing, modulation, data and power errors
    Analyze noise range tradeoffs
  • Visualize baseband data


The S1220 Demodulation Analysis Software is available for €369.