DMM & Electrical test
Digital multimeters, such as digital oscilloscopes or A/D acquisition boards, convert the analog signals into digital data and then display the measured values. Since the signal is recorded with increasingly long memories, the multimeter can then fill more and more functions : recorder, waveform display, FFT… These functions depend on the onboard processing capabilities and the type of display. The peak, average or effective values of an AC voltage are displayed by most multimeters today, which calculate the true RMS value of the AC voltage which corresponds to the equivalent DC voltage = the same thermal power on an identical resistance ; Ie root mean square (square wave function, integrated over a period T). In addition to the voltages, the multimeters also measure currents, resistances, impedances, frequencies and often temperatures via an external probe.
DMM & Electrical test
November 18, 2019
GW Instek offers the GPT-12000 electrical safety analyzer
October 22, 2019
The Fluke 87V Max digital multimeter designed for the field
May 15, 2019
Fluke T6-1000 Electrical Tester Wins 2019 Best New Product Award at MCEE
April 25, 2019
Fluke Calibration offers two 8.5-digits multimeters with high stability
April 12, 2019
Flir offers the VP42 non-contact voltage detector
March 26, 2019
Chauvin Arnoux announces the MX 535 electrical installation tester
November 13, 2018
Tektronix integrates two 7½-Digit multimeters in a compact housing
October 26, 2018
GW Instek announces the GDM-906X range of 6 ½ digits multimeters
July 9, 2018
Chauvin Arnoux completes its Qualistar+ range with the C.A. 8436 electrical network quality analyzer
July 2, 2018
Cable tracking: Fluke Networks offers the Pro3000F filtered probe to eliminate interference