- All the studies published by various consulting companies point to a great future for Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and markets.
- The figures provided by several market research and analysis firms are only projections. The future will tell us whether they were too optimistic or not.
However, these forecasts confirm that with next-generation mobile telephony (5G), IoT is a major concern for providers of RF communications equipment, sensors, software and services for connected applications.
It remains to be seen whether the growth wave promised by IoT will be a real Tsunami or spectacular mascarets. Nobody knows it, but nobody wants to miss it.
- Estimated number of connected objects in 2020:20 billion for Gartner, 80 billion for Idate.
- 78 exabytes or 78 billion GB: this volume of machine data captured by sensors and supplied by industrial equipment should be exceeded by 2020, according to ABI Research consulting. This huge amount of information will include proof of a machine failure, manufacturing defect, etc.
- 250 billion euros: market for connected objects by 2020 according to Boston Consulting Group (BCG).
- 40% of the IoT market is expected to include predictive analysis in infrastructure, industrial equipment, transport and public services by 2020.
- BCG points out, however, that the adoption of existing solutions remains somewhat hampered by the lack of reliable, scalable, secure solutions that integrate cloud platforms…
- 800 billion of dollars : 2017 global sales of the connected objects market (hardware, software, services and network connection) according to IDC. It was expected to increase by an average of 15% per year over the next four years.
- According to Strategy Analytics, three main industrial sectors account for nearly half of the IoT market today: raw material processing, security and energy. In 2025, the processing of raw materials, safety, and the automotive industry will each represent a market of more than $50 billion. The largest share of the IoT market will go to services (64%) in a total market estimated at $219 billion in 2025.