NI SMU PXIe-4163 from National Instruments

The NI PXIe-4163 source measure unit gains density

  • National Instruments (NI) offers a new source measure unit (SMU) in PXI format, which is distinguished by the density of its channels.
  • The PXIe-4163 module has six times more DC channels than previous generation PXI SMUs.
  • This instrument can be used in RF test applications, MEMS, mixed signal components or analog semiconductor components.

A SMU unit can be used to measure and deliver voltages and currents at the same time. The PXIe-4163 module, operating on 4 quadrants, offers a current resolution of 100 pA and sampling rates up to 100 kS/s. With the SourceAdapt function, stability and measurement accuracy can be maximized by customizing the transient response according to the characteristics of each load.

The higher DC channel density of the PXIe-4163 SMU board can benefit from the higher DC channel density of the PXIe-4163 SMU board, including the NI STS system suitable for semiconductor testing as well as various PXI-standard automatic testing solutions.

Launched in 2014, NI’s STS is based on a PXI platform that can integrate a variety of modular instruments such as Vector Signal Transceivers (VSTs) with 1GB bandwidth, fA-class SMU cards and more.
Key features of the NI SMU PXIe-4163 :

  • Up to 24 channels in a single PXI Express slot
  • +/- 24 V per channel
  • Up to 100 mA of emitted/absorbed current per channel
  • 100 pA current sensitivity
  • Up to 100 ksec. /s sampling and updating speed
  • SourceAdapt Technology minimizes exceedances and oscillations
  • Up to 408 SMU channels in the same PXI chassis (4U bay)
  • SMU support by the STS for system cabling, calibration and pinout, etc.