Anritsu ShockLine ME7868A VNA

The ShockLine ME7868A VNAs provide synchronised measurements over distances of up to 100 meters

  • Anritsu’s ShockLine ME7868A family of 2-port modular vector network analyzers (VNAs) can perform vector S-parameter measurements over distances of up to 100 meters.
  • The ME7868A series covers, depending on the model, a frequency range of 8 GHz, 20 GHz and 43.5 GHz.

Consisting of two 1-port MS46131A VNAs combined with the PhaseLync synchronisation option (hardware and accessories), the ME7868A VNA uses the MS46131A as portable VNA ports to connect directly to the device under test (DUT) to provide vector transmission measurements over longer lengths.

The use of the ME7868A VNA module eliminates the need to use long cables for long-distance transmission measurements for applications such as outdoor antenna range tests, OTA (Over the air) tests, electromagnetic characterisation (shielding, RF propagation) of aircraft or ships, and long-distance cable insertion loss measurements.

PhaseLync technology allows two 1-port VNAs of the MS46131A series to synchronise in phase with each other over a distance of up to 100 metres. According to the Japanese manufacturer, the elimination of long cables improves the dynamic range and stability of S-parameter measurements.

The two 1-port VNAs of the MS46131A series that make up the ME7868A solution are controlled via a USB connection by an external PC running ShockLine software. Several MS46131A VNAs can be used depending on the test configuration. They can be configured and controlled from a single PC.

Since all measurement results are stored on the PC, this solution is suitable for tests requiring a certain level of confidentiality. Analysis and documentation operations do not require the transfer of data from the on-board instrument memory.